"Cover art by Neal Adams. Editorial in which Roger Silfer discusses the impact Denny O'Neil and Neal Adams' Green Lantern / Green Arrow series had on him and the comics industry. Intro in which Denny O'Neil talks about the experience of working on Green Lantern / Green Arrow with Neal Adams. Stories reprinted from Green Lantern 76 and 77. ""No Evil Shall Escape My Sight!"", script by Denny O'Neil, art by Neal Adams; Green Arrow shows Green Lantern the plight of the people living in the tenements of slumlord Jubal Slade; But when the Guardians of the Universe observe GL roughing up Slade, they bring him to Oa and reprimand him. Vigilante ad. ""Journey to Desolation!"", script by Denny O'Neil, pencils by Neal Adams, inks by Frank Giacoia; Green Lantern, Green Arrow, and the Old-Timer come across the company town of Desolation, where the boss Slapper Soames plans to execute Johnny Walden to silence the songs he sings which have inspired the people of Desolation to think about a better way of life; As Green Lantern joins the townspeople in attacking Soames' stronghold, the Guardians inform him that since he is on a leave of absence they have reduced the power of his ring. Reprinted covers of Green Lantern 76 and 89, art by Neal Adams. DC Comics presents the award-winning series that set new standards in comics excellence!    Published Oct 1983 by DC"