"A thrilling one-shot explores the secrets of some of DC's most unusual heroes! In the lead story (written by D. Curtis Johnson, with art by Derec Aucoin and Claude St. Aubin), the Department of Extranormal Operations sends Chase--along with erstwhile companion Sarge Steel--on a crucial assignment: learning how to stop some of the strangest heroes in the DC Universe. But the cases of Captain Marvel, Hitman Tommy Monaghan and Resurrection Man Mitch Shelley don't make this job easy for them, and Chase learns that, in the DCU, heroes aren't always what they appear to be. Plus: a guide to Resurrection Man's powers (written by Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning, with art by Gary Erskine); ""lost pages"" featuring the DEO's secret plans for sanctioning DC's greatest heroes (written by Mark Millar, with pencils by Matthew Clark); and pin-up pages by Butch Guice, J.H. Williams III, John McCrea, Greg Luzniak, Dick Giordano & Bob Layton, Paul Guinan, Lee Moder and more. Cover by Bryan Hitch and Paul Neary. FC,   Published Feb 1999 by DC"