"3rd Printing. Black & white cover. Close up of a mans face next to a lantern. Written by Geoff Johns Art and cover by Ethan Van Sciver. A turning point in the history of the Green Lanterns begins here, in a 6-issue miniseries written by fan-favorite Geoff Johns (TEEN TITANS, THE FLASH) with art by Ethan Van Sciver (New X-Men, THE FLASH: IRON HEIGHTS)! Hal Jordan was one of the greatest heroes in the DCU until tragedy turned him into one of its greatest villains. Today, his soul searches for redemption as the Spectre. But redemption may not be what Jordan himself needs...or wants. The fates of Kyle Rayner, John Stewart, Guy Gardner, and the rest of the Green Lantern mythology unfold in this colossal tale of heroism involving the entire DCU!   Published Dec 2004 by DC"