"""Emerald Night!"" Guest-starring Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner) and Guy Gardner. Written by Ron Marz. Art by Mike McKone and Mark McKenna. Story continued from Final Night (1996) #3. One time Green Lantern Hal Jordan was once one of the universe's greatest champions of justice. That was until the sinister Cyborg and evil tyrant Mongul destroyed everything he ever loved. Now, as the nigh omnipotent Parallax, Hal Jordan has become obsessed with revenge. But what happens after his vengeance is sated? Can current Green Lantern Kyle Rayner convince his predecessor to step back from the edge of oblivion to come back and save planet Earth from certain doom? Don't miss this must read tale of redemption that sets the stage for the explosive climax to the DCU's Final Night! Story concludes in Final Night (1996) #4.   Published Nov 1996 by DC"