"Superman Emperor Joker, Superman (1987 2nd Series) #161, Adventures of Superman (1987) #583, Superman The Man of Steel (1991) #105, Action Comics (1938 DC) #770, WRITTEN BY JEPH LOEB AND JOE KELLY; ART BY DUNCAN ROULEAU, JAIME MENDOZA AND MARLO ALQUIZA; COVER BY ED MCGUINNESS AND CAM SMITH In stores August 2. In the aftermath of ""Superman: Arkham,"" the Man of Steel must try to restore the JLAers' memories in an extra-sized one-shot! Superman and Steel stand alone against a horribly twisted world, but will knowing who is responsible for mangling reality give them the edge they need to assemble Green Paper Lantern, the Fish-headed Aquaman, a criminally prim Wonder Woman, and, of course, the Flab?  Published Oct 2000 by DC"